I went to bed last night hoping to be woken up by an
all call
from Met that we were go for a shot at the 300 Club. At midnight, the
weather seemed to be cooperating, but wasn't a sure thing by any means. At
05:15 this morning, the call came: -101°F (-73.9°C). I sprung out
of bed, threw on my sneakers and ran downstairs to grab my headlamp and neck
gaiter from my parka pocket. Back upstairs, Dana was shuffling around
getting ready as I put my contacts in (I didn't want to frost up on my way
back). Moments after Dana and I started roasting in the sauna (currently
sitting at an ample +210°F (+98°C), Jason and Bride came in,
followed a little while later by Barry, one of the plumbers here who has
wintered before.
We sat in the sauna for as long as we could stand. Jason nipped out for
something, so when we started sweating and we decided we'd had enough,
Dana, Bride, and I bolted from the sauna, grabbed flashlights, and went
out the door. Going down the stairs from Upper Berthing, and down the
tunnel to the dome entrance, I hardly felt the cold. It was a bit windy
going through the outer door itself, but the snow is so high on the sides
of the ramp that the only problem there was the loose snow that's
accumulated since they ploughed it out a couple of days ago. If they
hadn't just done that, we'd have been taking the snow stairs instead.
Dana was in the lead, then Bride, then me. Kris was at the top of the ramp
with a red flashlight so we would know where to run back to. I followed
Dana's light until I was close enough to the Pole to see my own headlamp
reflect off the sign next to the Pole. Bride and I arrived at the Pole
marker at the same time, tapped it, and started back. I was in the lead,
lighting up the snow and following our footprints. I wasn't in the mood
for much sightseeing, but as I passed the
I could see a sliver of the moon, yellow and close to the horizon, barely
clearing the stacks from the powerplant.
About half-way back to the ramp, I started to really feel the cold on my
arms and on the backs of my calves. I had forgotten to ball my fists on
the way out, but my hands were warm enough on the way back once I
remembered. As I passed Kris, he asked how I was doing. I shouted
"Cold" on my way down the ramp. I was about to step through
the door into the dome entrance, but paused to let Barry out. Bride wasn't
right behind me anymore, so I went as slow as I dared down the tunnel until
I could see her headlamp coming through the door behind me. I left the
door to Upper Berthing open for her, and went right into the sauna.
Jason had left while we were gone, and was still out there. He returned
seconds after Barry made it back himself. We sat in the sauna at
+220°F (104.4°C) and tried not to breathe the scorching air too
deeply. After we thawed out, we finished our recovery outside the sauna,
comparing our experiences. I've wanted to do this for years, and it was
worth it. I took a shower, then went up to the galley in plenty of time
for breakfast, drained, but happy.