Ethan's Antarctic Journal - Musings from the Pole (Volume 4)

For my fourth trip, I'm doing something completely different - rather than working with computers to support science, I'm working with computers and doing science. Previously, I worked for Antarctic Support Associates, the primary support contractor to the NSF (Raytheon Polar Services Company's predecessor). Now, I work for the University of Wisconsin - Madison, operating AMANDA - the Antarctic Muon And Neutrino Detector Array. It's a neat way to watch the heavens by watching the ghostly light produced when nearly massless particles interact with the ice beneath the South Pole.

Pre-departure Training September, 2003 Monday, 1 September 2003 The Road to the Pole
October, 2003 Wednesday, 1 October, 2003 Madison
Summer '03/'04 October, 2003 Monday, 20 October 2003 We depart Christchurch for the Ice. Fears of a boomerang are unfounded.
Tuesday, 22 October 2003 The Polies invade Cape Evans. Penguins are espied from a distance.
Saturday, 25 October 2003 We arrive at Pole. The welcome is as warm as the place is cold.
Monday, 27 October 2003 Our first emergency preparedness drill. The new crew springs to action.
November, 2003
Saturday, 29 November, 2003 Thanksgiving at Pole. The station comes together for the holiday.
December, 2003
January, 2004
February, 2004
March, 2004
April, 2004 Friday, 2 April, 2004 Amidst high winds, the Flag is rescued from the top of the Dome.
Saturday, 3 April, 2004 The Winter Band makes its debut. I play bass in public for the first time.
Friday, 9 April, 2004 The skies begin to darken. The Aurora Australis becomes visible.
Sunday, 11 April, 2004 Easter Sunday Dinner at Pole. The galley is transformed.
Tuesday, 27 April, 2004 A planned power outage provides some excitement.
May, 2004
June, 2004
Saturday, 20 June, 2004 Mid-winter dinner; we eat well, and the band plays a gig.
July, 2004
Saturday, 10 July, 2004 I join the 300 Club

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