Ethan's Retrocomputing Corner - Elf99

The Elf99 project has grown out of a series of discussions on the ClassicCmp mailing list. The overt goal is to build a single-board CDP1802 computer resorting modern components only when necessary. The most notable changes from the Quest Elf design of 1977 is the use of a single CMOS 8-bit-wide SRAM and a modern EPROM in place of the dual CDP1822's and optional 82S123 bipolar PROM.

At this point, I am still collecting features and manipulating the base schematics. Send me mail if you would like to participate in the design phase. My goal is to include as much as I can and still be able to deliver a kit for no more than $99 plus shipping. I'm not trying to make a killing here. I have find memories of hours spent flipping toggle switches, and am primarily interested in building a simple machine that might teach someone a thing or two about how a basic microprocessor system works.

Stay tuned for further details

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