Ethan's Retrocomputing Corner - The Commodore PET


In the process of trying to replace the ancient Tandom TM602S hard disk from a Commodore D9060 IEEE-488 hard disk, I have been exploring the deep innards of the "DOS Board", the part that sits between the CPU and the Winchester controller. It speaks IEEE-488 out one connector and SASI out the other. I have gotten as far as a memory map.


Among the many papers I got from a defunct Commodore dealer was a chapter listing the various part numbers for ROMs. I have scanned it and OCRed it and run it through Acrobat. [PDF]


Starting with Scott Adams' "Adventureland" and "Pirate's Adventure" on my 32K PET, I've been a fan of Interactive Fiction.

Here are the files related to my attempts to port the Infocom Z-Machine for the C-64 to the PET:

Makefile - self explanatory
allzip.asm - Common header file to all programs
zloader.asm - short game loader (and PET KERNEL stubs)
n2zip.asm - interpreter source (not being released at this time)
Ready-to-run stuff
pet2001bigzip - combined loader and game intepreter for the 32K PET 2001 w/BASIC 2.0 ROMs (3032 in Europe).
pet8032bigzip - combined loader and game intepreter for the PET 8032.
zork_i.d64 - D64 image of Infocom's "Zork I" for the C-64

To test: grab at least the correct version of petXXXXbigzip for your platform and zork_i.d64. Load petbigzip and stick a disk containing the Zork I image in a 3040, 4040 or 2031 drive, then RUN. The game should load normally, and display the opening banner. The version for BASIC 2.0 ROMs works, but certain aspects of gameplay do not work in the BASIC 4.0 version (you can navigate, but not open or pick up items explicitly. A good test is "OPEN MAILBOX").

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